AI ranking in Min Nan Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

This page contains articles of English Wikipedia that have been edited by the largest number of authors. In this case, only registered Wikipedia authors were taken into account, without bots.

# Title Authors
1801 York (Eng-lân)
1802 Tâi-oân le̍k-sú
1803 Harry Potter (jîn-bu̍t)
1804 Lí Hián-liông
1805 Iân-sui
1806 CERN
1807 Tiò-hî-tâi Lia̍t-tó
1808 Edward Said
1809 Khîm-liû-kám
1810 Megawati Sukarnoputri
1811 Windows XP
1812 Wangari Maathai
1813 Siang-khak-kong
1814 Tâi-tiong-chhī
1815 Chhì-kui
1816 RSS
1817 Augusto Pinochet
1818 Pedro Almodóvar
1819 Malcolm X
1820 Tiong A-chiu
1821 Tiong-tang
1822 Pak-au kok-ka
1823 Wiktionary
1824 Navassa-tó
1825 Hu̍t-chú iông-ha̍p
1826 Seng-kàng-ki
1827 Nova Scotia
1828 St. John's (Newfoundland kap Labrador)
1829 Keng-chè-ha̍k
1830 Fredericton
1831 Logan Soaⁿ
1832 Helicobacter pylori
1833 Pin-nn̂g
1834 Chù-im hû-hō
1835 Siú-to͘ lia̍t-toaⁿ
1836 Iâ-so͘ Ki-tok Āu-kî Sèng-tô͘ Kàu-hōe
1837 Lō͘-tek-kì
1838 Μ
1839 Hiong-káng Kok-chè Ki-tiûⁿ
1840 Frisia-gí
1841 Hamas
1842 Teng-thah
1843 Tang-kùi Olympic Ūn-tōng-hoē
1844 O-bí-tô-hu̍t
1845 Giorgio Napolitano
1846 Ngó͘-lêng-lân
1847 Tiān-chû-pho
1848 Báng
1849 Pîn-lu̍t
1850 N̂g-sek
1851 Iú-ki hòa-ha̍k
1852 El Niño
1853 Ferdinand Marcos
1854 Hún-chiáu
1855 Soa-hî
1856 Hì-gâm
1857 Bî-tá-bín
1858 Tiān-náu kho-ha̍k
1859 Hoan-á-hoé
1860 Lô͘-chî
1861 Hoé-piah
1862 Sian-jîn-chióng
1863 Se-iûⁿ kó͘-tián im-ga̍k
1864 Thomas Hobbes
1865 Thô͘-thoàⁿ
1866 Grimm Hiaⁿ-tī
1867 Chhân-hn̂g
1868 Reggae
1869 Tāng-kim-sio̍k im-ga̍k
1870 Kó͘
1871 Chí
1872 Thī-ke
1873 Bô-siaⁿ tiān-iáⁿ
1874 Hái-pà
1875 Al Gore
1876 To̍k-chhâi chèng-tī
1877 Kiuⁿ
1878 1957 nî
1879 1933 nî
1880 1936 nî
1881 Leonhard Euler
1882 Kumamoto-koān
1883 Hô-pak-séng
1884 Ô͘-pak-séng
1885 Hái-lâm-séng
1886 Se-chōng Chū-tī-khu
1887 Lāi Bông-kó͘ Chū-tī-khu
1888 Gregor Mendel
1889 Bayern
1890 Brandenburg
1891 Rheinland-Pfalz
1892 Bremen (chiu)
1893 Assam
1894 Chhattisgarh
1895 Jammu kap Kashmir
1896 Jharkhand
1897 Manipur
1898 Uttar Pradesh
1899 Chandigarh
1900 Hō͘-hiān-tāi Chú-gī